Are you ready to dive into the thrilling surfing world in Virginia Beach? Whether you’re a first-time surfer or looking to improve your skills, Virginia Beach offers an ideal setting for beginners. With its gentle waves and breathtaking scenery, this coastal destination is a haven for surfers of all levels. This beginner’s guide will take you through everything you need to know to start your surfing adventure in Virginia Beach.

We’ve covered everything for you, from discovering the best surfing spots to finding the right surfboard rental and even taking surf lessons. Prepare to ride the waves and enjoy the exhilarating experience of Virginia Beach.

Critical Takeaways for a Guide to Surfing in Virginia Beach:

  • Virginia Beach is a perfect destination for beginner surfers.
  • Surf lessons can provide valuable guidance and ensure a safe learning experience.
  • Investing in a soft top surfboard will enhance your learning journey.
  • Start with small waves to build confidence and improve your skills.
  • Embrace mistakes and enjoy the process of learning to surf.

Enlist the Help of an Experienced Teacher

When it comes to learning how to surf in Virginia Beach, enlisting the help of an experienced teacher is highly beneficial. Surfing lessons provide beginners with the necessary guidance and knowledge to navigate the waves safely. An experienced teacher can teach you the fundamentals of surfing, from paddling techniques to proper positioning on the surfboard. They will also guide you to beginner-friendly surf breaks, where the waves are more forgiving and suitable for learning.

Surfing lessons also prioritize safety, as instructors will educate you on surfing etiquette, ocean currents, and potential hazards. They will teach you to assess the surf conditions, understand wave patterns, and identify safe entry and exit points. Learning from a professional ensures you acquire the proper techniques, preventing bad habits that may hinder your progress later on.

Having a teacher by your side can provide immediate feedback and corrections, helping you improve faster. They can offer personalized advice based on your strengths and improvement areas. With the guidance of an experienced teacher, you can accelerate your learning curve and gain confidence in the water.

Beginner-Friendly Surf Breaks in Virginia Beach

Surf BreakLocationType of Wave
First Street JettyVirginia Beach OceanfrontSandbar break with gentle waves
Croatan BeachVirginia Beach OceanfrontConsistent beach break with small to medium waves
Sandbridge BeachSandbridgeUncrowded beach break with mellow waves

If you’re looking for beginner-friendly surf breaks in Virginia Beach, consider visiting First Street Jetty at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront. This spot features a sandbar break with gentle waves ideal for beginners. Along the Virginia Beach Oceanfront, Croatan Beach offers consistent beach breaks with small to medium waves, providing ample practice opportunities. For a less crowded experience, head to Sandbridge Beach, where you’ll find an uncrowded beach break with mellow waves, perfect for honing your skills.

Remember, safety should always be a priority when surfing. Before venturing into the water, ensure you have the proper equipment, including a leash, and are familiar with surf etiquette and safety guidelines. By enlisting the help of an experienced teacher and choosing beginner-friendly surf breaks, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of surfing in Virginia Beach.

Land It

Before heading into the water for your surfing session, it’s essential to spend some time on the shore to prepare yourself. Observing the environment, water conditions, and other surfers riding the waves will give you a better understanding of what to expect. It’s also an excellent opportunity to practice your surfing form and find your balance on the surfboard.

When positioning yourself on the surfboard, stand perpendicular to the board with your feet just behind the center. This will give you the stability to maintain your balance while riding the waves. While some surfers prefer a “goofy” foot stance, with their right foot forward, others opt for a “regular foot” stance, with their left foot leading. Experiment with both to find what feels most comfortable for you.

Another important aspect of finding balance on the surfboard is mastering the transition from lying down to standing up. Practice this movement on the shore to get a feel for it. Remember to engage your core muscles and use your arms for support as you lift your chest off the board and push yourself up into a standing position. With practice, you’ll be able to land the perfect stance and maintain your balance while riding the waves.

surfboard position and balancing on the surfboard

Table: Surfboard Position and Balancing Tips

Stand perpendicular to the boardPosition yourself with your feet just behind the center of the surfboard for optimal balance.
Experiment with “goofy” and “regular foot” ss to discover the most comfortable.Experiment with both “goofy” and “regular foot” ss to discover the most comfortable for you.
Practice transitioning from lying down to standing upEngage your core muscles and use your arms for support as you lift your chest off the board and push yourself into a standing position.
Keep practicingThe more you practice finding your balance and landing the perfect stance, the more comfortable you’ll become while riding the waves.


Invest in a Soft Top

When starting as a beginner surfer, a soft top surfboard is one of the most important investments you can make. These surfboards are specifically designed to provide a safe and stable platform for learning. The foam top of the board offers excellent buoyancy, making it easier for beginners to paddle and catch waves. Additionally, the cushion-like exterior helps to prevent injuries in case of falls or collisions while in the water.

Soft top surfboards are known for their durability, making them a wise investment for beginners still learning the ropes of surfing. They can withstand the impact of waves and provide stability and control as you ride them. The forgiving nature of these boards allows newcomers to focus on developing their skills without worrying too much about board damage or accidents.

By investing in a soft top surfboard, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are equipped with a board that prioritizes safety, stability, and durability. This will enhance your learning experience, boost your confidence, and make your surfing journey more enjoyable.

foam top surfboard

Benefits of a Soft Top Surfboard

BuoyancyThe foam top provides excellent buoyancy, making it easier for beginners to paddle and catch waves.
StabilityThe cushion-like exterior of the board offers stability, allowing beginners to find their balance and control.
DurabilitySoft top surfboards are known for their durability, making them resistant to impact and ensuring a longer lifespan.
SafetyThe foam top helps to prevent injuries, providing a safer learning experience for beginners.

Opt for Small Waves

When starting your surfing journey in Virginia Beach, opting for small waves is best. These beginner-friendly waves are perfect for gaining confidence and improving your skills. Look for beach surroundings that offer appropriate wave sizes for beginners, as more giant waves can be more challenging to navigate. You can focus on reading the waves and practicing your technique in a more manageable environment by choosing smaller waves.

Additionally, taking advantage of glassy ocean conditions is essential when learning to surf. Glassy conditions refer to calm, smooth water without much wind or chop. These conditions are often found in the morning with offshore winds, providing an excellent opportunity for beginners to practice. Glassy ocean conditions make riding the waves easier and maintain balance on the surfboard.

To make the most of your surfing experience in Virginia Beach, start with small waves and take advantage of glassy ocean conditions. These factors will contribute to a smoother learning process and help you build a strong foundation in surfing.

small waves in Virginia Beach

Table: Recommended Beaches for Beginner-Friendly Waves

Beach NameWave SizeWave Quality
Sandbridge1-3 feetConsistent and gentle
Croatan2-4 feetLong and rolling
First Street Jetty1-3 feetSlow and forgiving

Table: The table above lists some recommended beaches in Virginia Beach that offer beginner-friendly waves. These beaches typically have small wave sizes ranging from 1-4 feet, providing a safe and comfortable learning environment. The wave quality at these beaches is consistent, gentle, and forgiving, making them ideal for beginners to practice and improve their skills.

Mess Up (It’s Okay!)

Learning to surf involves falling off the surfboard multiple times. It’s a natural part of the learning process, so don’t get discouraged when it happens. Instead, embrace the falls and mistakes as valuable learning opportunities. Each time you fall off the surfboard, you’ll gain insights into what went wrong and how to improve.

Surfing, like many other aspects of life, requires perseverance. You’ll develop the skills to ride the waves confidently through perseverance and determination. Remember that even the most experienced surfers still fall off their boards occasionally. So, embrace the challenges, stay committed, and keep pushing yourself to get back up and try again.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Surfing is a dynamic and demanding sport, and making mistakes is a natural learning process. Embrace the process, learn from your mistakes, and allow yourself to grow as a surfer. With practice and perseverance, you’ll become more comfortable on the surfboard, improve your skills, and experience the thrill of riding the waves in Virginia Beach.

falling off the surfboard

Tips for Learning from Mistakes and Persevering:

  • Stay positive and maintain a growth mindset. View mistakes as opportunities for improvement rather than failures.
  • Reflect on each fall or mistake and identify what you can learn.
  • Seek feedback and guidance from experienced surfers or instructors to understand where you can make adjustments.
  • Set small achievable goals to track your progress and celebrate the milestones.
  • Stay persistent and keep practicing. Consistency is critical to building muscle memory and improving your surfing skills.
Benefits of Learning from Mistakes and PerseveringExamples
Improved resilienceAfter falling off the surfboard multiple times, you develop the resilience to get back up and try again.
Increased self-confidenceEach time you learn from a mistake and see improvement, your confidence in your surfing abilities grows.
Enhanced problem-solving skillsWhen faced with challenges in the water, you learn to think creatively and find solutions to overcome obstacles.
Greater adaptabilityLearning from mistakes teaches you to adapt and adjust your approach to different wave conditions and surfing situations.

Remember, the journey of learning to surf is as important as the destination. Embrace the falls, learn from your mistakes, and persevere. The more you commit to the learning process, the more rewarding and enjoyable your surfing experience in Virginia Beach will be.

Enjoy the Ride

Surfing is not just about mastering the techniques and perfecting your skills. It’s an exhilarating activity that allows you to connect with nature and experience the pure joy of riding the waves. So, as you embark on your surfing journey in Virginia Beach, don’t forget to enjoy the ride!

Surfing offers a unique sense of freedom and Adventure. The feeling of gliding across the water, the rush of adrenaline, and the connection with the ocean make surfing so thrilling. So, don’t get too caught up in trying to attain perfection. Instead, focus on immersing yourself in the experience and savoring every moment.

Remember to have fun if you’re catching your first wave or trying out new maneuvers. When you fall off the surfboard, laugh at yourself and celebrate every small victory. Enjoy the beauty of the ocean, the sound of the waves, and the camaraderie among fellow surfers. Surfing is not just a sport; it’s a way of life that brings people together and enriches your connection with the ocean.

Tips to Make the Most of Your Surfing Experience

  • Be present: Leave your worries behind and fully immerse yourself in the moment. Feel the ocean, embrace the sensation of riding the waves, and let go of distractions.
  • Connect with nature: Take a moment to appreciate the ocean’s beauty, the sun’s warmth, and the salty breeze. Let these natural elements invigorate your senses and enhance your overall surfing experience.
  • Celebrate progress: Each wave you catch and each maneuver you master is a reason to celebrate. Acknowledge your progress and be proud of your achievements, no matter how small they may seem.
  • Stay positive: Surfing can be challenging, but maintaining a positive mindset will make all the difference. Embrace the learning process, embrace the falls and mistakes, and keep pushing forward with determination and optimism.

Surfing Lessons and Surfboard Rentals in Virginia Beach

If you want to learn how to surf in Virginia Beach, you’re in luck. Several surf shops offer surfing lessons and surfboard rentals, making it easy for beginners to get started. Two highly recommended surf shops in Virginia Beach are Surf & Adventure and Pungo Boardhouse.

Surf & Adventure, located in the less crowded Sandbridge section of Virginia Beach, is known for its excellent surf lessons. Their experienced instructors can guide beginners through the learning process, providing valuable tips and techniques to help you become a confident surfer. Whether you’re a complete newbie or looking to improve your skills, they have lessons tailored to your needs.

Pungo Boardhouse is another excellent option for surfing lessons and surfboard rentals. Pungo Boardhouse is popular among locals and tourists with its friendly staff and welcoming atmosphere. They offer beginner-friendly surf lessons focusing on building a solid foundation and improving your surfing abilities.

Surf ShopLocationServices Offered
Surf & AdventureSandbridgeSurfing lessons
Pungo BoardhouseVirginia BeachSurfing lessons, surfboard rentals

Both surf shops also provide surfboard rentals, so you don’t have to worry about purchasing your board immediately. Renting a surfboard allows you to try out different types and sizes of boards to find the one that suits your style and skill level. It’s a cost-effective way to explore the sport without making a long-term commitment.

So, whether you’re a local or visiting Virginia Beach, take advantage of the surfing lessons and surfboard rentals available. With experienced instructors and quality equipment, you’ll be riding the waves quickly.


In conclusion, this beginner’s guide provides valuable tips and tricks for those looking to embark on a thrilling surfing adventure in Virginia Beach. By following these surfing tips, beginners can enhance their skills and enjoy the beautiful waves Virginia Beach offers.

With its beginner-friendly surf breaks and experienced instructors, Virginia Beach is an ideal destination for aspiring surfers. By enlisting the help of knowledgeable teachers and investing in a soft top surfboard, beginners can ensure a safe and enjoyable learning experience.

Remember, learning to surf takes practice and perseverance. Embrace the process, learn from your mistakes, and enjoy the ride. By following this beginner’s guide, you’ll be on your way to becoming a confident and skilled surfer in no time. So grab your surfboard, hit the waves, and experience the thrill of surfing in Virginia Beach!


Where can I find surfing lessons in Virginia Beach?

There are various surf shops in Virginia Beach that offer surfing lessons, such as Surf & Adventure and Pungo Boardhouse.

Are there beginner-friendly surf breaks in Virginia Beach?

Yes, experienced teachers can guide you to beginner-friendly surf breaks in Virginia Beach.

How can I find my balance on the surfboard?

Practice your surfing form on land, focusing on the transition from lying down to standing up and finding the sweet spot for your feet, typically just behind the center of the board.

What type of surfboard should beginners use?

Foam top surfboards are highly recommended for beginners due to their buoyancy and cushion-like exterior.

What kind of waves should beginners start with?

Beginners should start with small waves to build their confidence and skills. Look for beach surroundings with appropriate wave sizes for beginners.

Is falling off the surfboard normal?

Yes, falling off the surfboard is an inevitable part of learning to surf. Embrace these mistakes and keep trying, as each fall or mistake is an opportunity for growth and improvement.

What should I focus on while surfing?

Focus on having fun and enjoying the ride rather than solely focusing on perfecting your skills. The more you enjoy the process, the more motivated you’ll be to continue learning and progressing in your surfing journey.

Where can I rent surfboards in Virginia Beach?

Surf & Adventure and Pungo Boardhouse are surf shops in Virginia Beach that offer surfboard rentals.

How can I get started with surfing in Virginia Beach?

By following the tips and tricks outlined in this beginner’s guide, enlisting the help of experienced teachers, investing in a soft top surfboard, and practicing in small waves, you can embark on an exciting surfing journey in Virginia Beach.

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