YouTube monetization is a goal many creators aspire to achieve. The ability to earn money on YouTube through ad revenue has transformed the platform into a lucrative opportunity for content creators. With the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) and YouTube AdSense, creators can monetize their channels and start earning revenue from their videos.

The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) allows creators to monetize their videos by enabling ads. To join the YPP, creators must meet specific requirements, such as having a minimum number of subscribers and watch hours. Once accepted, creators can enable monetization on their videos and start earning money from ads displayed to their viewers.

In addition to ad revenue, creators can explore other monetization options such as sponsorships, affiliate marketing, fan funding, and YouTube Shorts. These avenues provide creators with additional opportunities to generate income and maximize their earnings on YouTube.

In this guide, we will explore the various aspects of YouTube monetization, including how to get monetized, the requirements for monetization, joining the YouTube Partner Program, enabling monetization on YouTube, alternate ways to monetize, understanding YouTube AdSense and CPM rates, making money beyond YouTube, and the expansion of the YouTube Partner Program.

Key Takeaways for this guide to youtube monetization:

  • YouTube monetization allows creators to earn money from their videos through ad revenue and other monetization methods.
  • The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) is the most common way to monetize videos and earn revenue from ads.
  • To join the YPP, creators must meet specific requirements, such as having a minimum number of subscribers and watch hours.
  • Once accepted into the YPP, creators can enable monetization on their videos and start earning money from ads displayed to their viewers.
  • In addition to ad revenue, creators can explore other monetization options like sponsorships, affiliate marketing, fan funding, and YouTube Shorts.

How to Get Monetized on YouTube

Monetizing your videos on YouTube is a great way to start earning revenue and turning your passion into a profitable endeavor. The most common method to get monetized on YouTube is through the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). By joining the YPP, creators can enable monetization of their videos and start earning money through the Google AdSense program.

To become eligible for the YouTube Partner Program, creators must meet specific requirements. These requirements, set by YouTube, include having a minimum number of subscribers and watch hours. At the same time, the specific requirements may vary. Generally, creators need to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours within 12 months to qualify for the program.

Once accepted into the YouTube Partner Program, creators can enable monetization of their videos. This means that advertisements can be displayed within their videos, and creators receive a percentage of the revenue generated. The Google AdSense program handles monetization, allowing creators to earn money every time viewers watch or click on ads within their videos.

Enabling monetization on YouTube provides creators with a consistent source of revenue. However, it’s important to note that the actual earnings from YouTube monetization can vary based on the number of views, viewer engagement, and the advertiser’s budget. Furthermore, YouTube’s monetization policies and guidelines must be followed to receive steady revenue.

YouTube Revenue Sharing

“Once accepted into the YouTube Partner Program, you can earn money through ad revenue. Google AdSense handles the monetization process, so getting started and tracking your earnings is easy.”

When it comes to revenue sharing, YouTube follows a specific model. Based on YouTube’s revenue-sharing policies, creators receive a percentage of the ad revenue generated from their videos. The exact percentage varies and depends on factors like the country where the video views originate from and the type of advertisements displayed.

While YouTube’s revenue-sharing model provides creators with earning potential, it’s important to remember that multiple factors influence revenue generated. Factors such as the number of views, the ad format (skippable or non-skippable), and the viewer’s interaction with the ad (views, clicks, etc.) can impact the overall revenue earned.


By understanding the monetization process and meeting the requirements set by YouTube, creators can start earning revenue and unlock the full potential of their YouTube channel. However, remember that YouTube monetization is one of many ways to make money on the platform. Exploring additional monetization options, such as brand partnerships, merchandise sales, and Patreon memberships, can provide creators with multiple income streams and a more stable source of revenue.


YouTube Monetization Requirements

Before joining the YouTube Partner Program and enabling monetization, creators must meet specific requirements to ensure eligibility. These requirements encompass the number of subscribers, public uploads, and watch hours. The criteria vary depending on the monetization feature creators wish to utilize, such as fan funding or video advertisements.

In the case of video ad monetization and qualification for the YouTube Partner Program, creators need a minimum of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of public watch time within 12 months. However, for fan funding features, the requirements entail having at least 500 subscribers and 3,000 public watch hours in the previous 12 months. Alternatively, creators can qualify for fan funding by accumulating 3 million public YouTube Shorts views within the last 90 days.

YouTube Monetization Requirements Overview:

Monetization FeatureSubscriber RequirementsWatch Hours RequirementsYouTube Shorts Views Requirements
Video Ad Monetization and YouTube Partner Program (YPP)At least 1,000 subscribers4,000 hours of public watch time within a 12-month periodN/A
Fan FundingAt least 500 subscribers3,000 public watch hours in the previous 12 months3 million public YouTube Shorts views within the last 90 days

Meeting these requirements is crucial for creators looking to monetize their content on YouTube. Achieving the necessary number of subscribers, public watch hours, or YouTube Shorts views demonstrates the creator’s ability to engage and attract an audience, ensuring they can maximize their monetization potential on the platform.

Please remember that you should be able to fulfill the YouTube monetization requirements. Creators must also abide by YouTube’s monetization policies and guidelines to maintain eligibility and ensure a smooth monetization experience.

How to Join the YouTube Partner Program

To monetize your YouTube channel, you must apply for the YPP; please join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). This program allows creators to earn money from their videos through advertisements. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply for the YPP and become a part of the program.

1. Meet the Eligibility Requirements

Before applying for the YPP, please ensure that your channel meets the eligibility requirements set by YouTube. These typically include having a minimum number of subscribers and watching hours. The specific requirements may vary over time, so checking the latest guidelines is important.

2. Access YouTube Studio

YouTube Studio is the platform for managing your channel and applying for the YPP. Log in to your YouTube account and navigate to YouTube Studio by clicking on your profile picture and selecting “YouTube Studio” from the dropdown menu.

3. Apply for the YPP

Once you’re in YouTube Studio, click on the “Monetization” tab located in the left sidebar. Then click the “Start” button to begin the YPP application process. Follow the prompts to provide the necessary information and agree to the terms and conditions.

4. Wait for Review

After submitting your application, YouTube will review your channel to ensure it complies with the platform’s policies and guidelines. This review process may take some time, so be patient and continue creating content while you wait.

5. Appeal Rejections (If Necessary)

If your application is rejected, you can appeal the decision within a specific timeframe. Carefully review the reasons for rejection and make any necessary adjustments to your channel or content. Please submit the necessary changes to your application with the needed modifications and give a detailed explanation in the appeal form. YouTube will review and consider your appeal.

6. Reapply (If Multiple Rejections)

If your appeal is unsuccessful or rejected multiple times, there may be a waiting period before you can reapply for the YPP. Please take this time to improve your channel, gain more subscribers, and watch hours so that your content meets YouTube’s monetization policies.

Join YouTube Partner Program - Guide to youtube monetization

Joining the YouTube Partner Program opens up opportunities to monetize your videos and earn income from your content. By following these steps and meeting the criteria, you can take the first steps towards becoming a YouTube Partner and generating revenue from your channel.

How to Enable Monetization on YouTube

Once accepted into the YouTube Partner Program, creators can start earning revenue by enabling monetization on their videos. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into your YouTube Studio account.
  2. Select the “Videos” tab from the left-hand menu.
  3. Find the video you want to monetize and click on the three dots icon next to it.
  4. Choose “Monetization” from the drop-down menu.
  5. Toggle the switch to enable monetization for that video.

By enabling monetization, you allow YouTube to display ads on your video and earn revenue from them. However, ensuring that your content adheres to YouTube’s ad guidelines and monetization policies to avoid issues is essential.

Note: Creating content in the PG to PG-13 range can improve your chances of better monetization opportunities.

By following these simple steps, you can easily enable monetization on your YouTube videos and start earning from your content.

Generate RevenueEarn money from ads displayed on your videos.
Reach a Wider AudienceMonetized videos can be promoted and recommended to a larger audience, increasing your chances of gaining more subscribers and views.
Invest in Quality ContentWith monetization, you can allocate funds to improve your video production, equipment, and overall content quality.
Turn YouTube into a BusinessMonetization allows you to transform your YouTube channel into a profitable business, providing you with the opportunity to pursue your passion full-time.

Extra Ways to Monetize on YouTube

In addition to video advertisements, creators can explore other ways to monetize their YouTube channel. This includes seeking YouTube sponsorships and brand deals, where creators feature products or services in their videos for compensation. Creators can also engage in affiliate marketing by promoting products and earning a commission on sales generated through their affiliate links. Fan funding features like channel memberships and super chats provide creators with direct monetization from their audience. Lastly, YouTube Shorts creators can monetize their short-form videos through the YouTube Shorts fund and ad revenue.

One popular method to monetize YouTube beyond ads is through YouTube sponsorships. By partnering with brands and companies, creators can showcase their products or services in their videos and receive compensation. These sponsorships can be a lucrative way to generate income on YouTube and provide creators with opportunities to collaborate with well-known brands.

Affiliate marketing is another effective strategy to monetize YouTube. Creators can join affiliate programs and promote products related to their content. The creator earns a commission whenever a viewer purchases through the creator’s unique affiliate link. This allows creators to earn money by recommending products they genuinely believe in and can be a great source of passive income.

YouTube fan funding features offer creators a direct way to monetize their channel and connect with their audience. Channel memberships allow viewers to become paid members of a creator’s channel, unlocking exclusive perks and content. Super chats, on the other hand, enable viewers to make real-time donations during live streams, with their messages displayed prominently in the chat. These features provide creators with a reliable source of income and foster a sense of community within their audience.

YouTube Shorts, the platform’s short-form video feature, also offers monetization opportunities. Creators can monetize their Shorts through the YouTube Shorts fund, which rewards creators based on the performance of their Shorts. Additionally, creators can earn revenue from ad placements on their Shorts, increasing their monetization potential.

As the landscape of YouTube monetization continues to evolve, creators have more options than ever to diversify their income streams. By exploring these extra ways to monetize on YouTube, creators can maximize their earnings and create a sustainable career on the platform.

YouTube AdSense and CPM Rates

YouTube AdSense is crucial in helping creators monetize their content through ad placements in their videos. It allows creators to earn revenue based on the number of video views and ad engagement. However, the amount paid per 1,000 video views, or CPM rates, can vary depending on several factors.

The CPM rates on YouTube are influenced by the channel’s niche, target audience, and geographical location. Channels focused on popular topics with a large audience tend to have higher CPM rates, as advertisers are willing to pay more to reach their target market. On the other hand, channels with a smaller niche audience may have lower CPM rates due to limited demand from advertisers.

While video ads can be a significant source of revenue for creators, it’s important to note that they can be inconsistent. Ad revenue may fluctuate based on factors such as ad engagement, seasonality, and changes in advertiser demand. To ensure a more stable income on YouTube, creators should explore other monetization options and diversify their revenue sources.

Monetizing YouTube Beyond Ads

While YouTube AdSense is a primary revenue source for many creators, exploring additional avenues for monetization is beneficial. This can involve leveraging other revenue streams and partnerships to complement ad revenue. Some of the popular ways creators can diversify their income on YouTube include:

  1. YouTube sponsorships: Collaborating with brands and featuring sponsored content in videos.
  2. YouTube affiliate marketing: Promoting products or services and earning a commission on sales made through affiliate links.
  3. YouTube fan funding: Engaging with fans through features like channel memberships and super chats to receive direct monetary support.
  4. YouTube Shorts monetization: Using the YouTube Shorts fund and earning ad revenue from short-form videos.

By exploring these alternative revenue sources, creators can create a more stable and diversified income on YouTube. It’s crucial to balance ad revenue and other monetization methods to maximize earnings and ensure long-term sustainability as a content creator.

YouTube AdSense and CPM Rates

Comparing YouTube AdSense Earnings by Niche

NicheCPM Rate RangeComments
Fitness and Health$3 – $10Highly competitive niche with high advertiser demand.
Technology$2 – $8Popular niche with consistent ad revenue potential.
Travel and Adventure$1 – $5Varies based on destination popularity and seasonal trends.
Arts and Crafts$2 – $6Medium-sized niche with moderate ad revenue potential.

Making Money Beyond YouTube

While YouTube can be a lucrative platform for earning money, creators may also want to explore opportunities to monetize beyond the platform. Diversifying income streams is a smart strategy for YouTubers to enhance their earnings and ensure financial stability. Here are some exciting ways to make money beyond YouTube:

  1. Create and Sell Merchandise: By designing and selling merch like t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, or accessories, YouTubers can tap into their audience’s loyalty and generate additional revenue streams. This strengthens the connection with fans and profitable acts as a free advertisement for the channel.
  2. Offer Coaching or Consulting Services: Many YouTubers have developed expertise in specific areas, such as fitness, makeup, or business. Leveraging this expertise to offer coaching or consulting services can be a profitable venture. Through one-on-one sessions or workshops, YouTubers can help others achieve their goals and earn income in the process.
  3. Publish Books or eBooks: Sharing knowledge and experiences in a book or eBook format is another way for YouTubers to monetize their expertise. By self-publishing or collaborating with a traditional publisher, creators can reach a broader audience and generate royalties from book sales.
  4. Host Events: YouTubers with a sizable following can organize events such as meet-ups, workshops, or conventions. Ticket sales, sponsorships, and merchandise purchases at these events can generate significant revenue.
  5. Start a Patreon Page: Patreon is a platform that allows creators to offer exclusive content and experiences to their most dedicated fans in exchange for recurring monthly payments. By offering perks like behind-the-scenes footage, early access to videos, or personalized shoutouts, YouTubers can incentivize their audience to support them financially.

To illustrate the importance of diversifying income as a YouTuber, here’s a table comparing the average earnings from YouTube ads versus alternative revenue streams:

Revenue SourceEstimated Average Earnings
YouTube Ads$0.25 – $4 per 1,000 views*
Merchandise Sales$10 – $25 per item sold
Coaching/Consulting Services$50 – $150 per session
Book Royalties$1 – $5 per book sold
Event Ticket Sales$15 – $50 per ticket
Patreon Subscriptions$5 – $15 per month per patron

“Diversifying income streams is essential for YouTubers to establish a stable and resilient financial foundation. By exploring opportunities beyond YouTube, creators can leverage their brand and audience to generate multiple revenue sources, reducing reliance on YouTube ad revenue alone.”

In addition to the listed options, YouTubers can explore affiliate marketing, brand sponsorships, or even creating online courses to expand their earning potential. YouTubers can boost their financial stability by strategically diversifying their income and unlocking new growth opportunities.

YouTube Partner Program Expansion

To provide more opportunities for creators worldwide, YouTube has recently expanded its YouTube Partner Program (YPP) to include more countries and regions. This expansion aims to give earlier access to fan funding and shopping features to eligible creators in these areas, enhancing their monetization options on the platform.

Creators in these countries and regions can now check their eligibility for the expanded YPP directly in YouTube Studio. Once the program is rolled out, they will receive notifications, allowing them to take full advantage of the monetization changes and explore new ways to earn from their content.

With this expansion, YouTube is actively working to support creators from diverse backgrounds and locations, empowering them to grow their channels and engage with their audiences on a global scale.

Benefits of YouTube Partner Program Expansion
Earlier access to fan funding and shopping features for eligible creators
Increased monetization options for creators in various countries and regions
Opportunities for creators to grow their channels and reach a global audience
Enhanced support for creators from diverse backgrounds


Earning money through YouTube monetization is an exciting opportunity for creators to turn their passion into a profitable career. By following the YouTube monetization guide and maximizing their earnings, creators can build a sustainable YouTube channel and generate income from their content.

Joining the YouTube Partner Program is the first step towards monetization. By meeting the eligibility requirements and enabling monetization on their videos, creators can start earning money through ad placements and Google AdSense. Creating high-quality content is crucial to attracting viewers, increasing engagement, increasing ad revenue, and maximizing YouTube earnings.

Creators should also explore additional ways to monetize their YouTube channel. This includes seeking sponsorships, engaging in affiliate marketing, and utilizing fan funding features. Furthermore, diversifying income beyond YouTube can provide creators more stability and growth opportunities.

Staying informed about YouTube’s monetization requirements and policies is essential for ongoing success. By staying up-to-date with changes and adapting their strategies, creators can continue to maximize their YouTube earnings and thrive in the ever-evolving world of online video content.


What is the YouTube Partner Program?

The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) is a program that allows creators to monetize their videos and earn money from advertisements.

How do I get monetized on YouTube?

To get monetized on YouTube, you must join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) by meeting the program’s requirements, such as having a minimum number of subscribers and watching hours.

What are the requirements for YouTube monetization?

The requirements for YouTube monetization vary depending on the monetization feature you want to use. You need at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the last 12 months for video ad monetization.

How do I join the YouTube Partner Program?

You must apply through the YouTube Studio to join the YouTube Partner Program. Once you meet the eligibility requirements, you can apply for the YPP on the “earn” page of YouTube Studio.

How do I enable monetization on YouTube?

To enable monetization on YouTube, you need to turn on ads for your videos through the YouTube Studio. Could you make sure your content follows YouTube’s ad guidelines and monetization policies?

How can I monetize my YouTube channel in addition to video ads?

Besides video ads, you can explore other ways to monetize your YouTube channel, such as seeking sponsorships, engaging in affiliate marketing, utilizing fan funding features, and monetizing YouTube Shorts.

What is YouTube AdSense, and how does it work?

YouTube AdSense is the program through which creators earn revenue from ad placements in their videos. Creators receive a percentage of the ad revenue generated when viewers watch or click on ads within a video.

How do I make money beyond YouTube?

You can make money beyond YouTube by diversifying your income by publishing books, creating merchandise, offering coaching or consulting services, hosting events, or starting a Patreon page.

What is the YouTube Partner Program expansion?

The YouTube Partner Program has expanded to include more creators in various countries and regions. This expansion allows eligible creators in these areas to have earlier access to fan funding and shopping features.

How can I maximize my earnings on YouTube?

To maximize your earnings on YouTube, join the YouTube Partner Program, enable monetization, create high-quality content, explore additional monetization methods, and diversify your income beyond YouTube.

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