Welcome to Virginia Beach, a city that has transformed remarkably. Once known primarily as a famous resort town, Virginia Beach now proudly embraces its dual identity as both a tourist destination and a thriving military hub. This unique combination has shaped the city’s development and created a dynamic environment that offers something for everyone.

With its picturesque beaches, vibrant boardwalk, and lively nightlife, Virginia Beach continues to attract visitors from near and far. The city’s tourism industry thrives on the allure of its pristine coastline, offering a wide range of activities such as paddleboarding, jet skiing, and indulging in fresh seafood at beachfront restaurants. But Virginia Beach’s appeal extends beyond its sandy shores.

Home to prominent military establishments like Naval Air Station Oceana and Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, Virginia Beach boasts a strong military presence that plays a significant role in its infrastructure and economy. The military’s influence has shaped the city’s landscape, fostered the growth of defense-related industries, and created job opportunities for residents.

As Virginia Beach continues to evolve, it faces the challenge of striking a delicate balance between the needs of its tourism industry and the military.

The city must ensure that its attractions remain appealing to visitors while meeting the demands of its military establishments, including maintaining a secure environment and managing transportation infrastructure. It is a delicate dance that requires careful planning, collaboration, and adaptability.

Looking to the future, Virginia Beach has exciting growth opportunities. The city can further develop its tourism offerings by promoting unique attractions, such as the newly expanded Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center and the vibrant arts and culture scene.

Furthermore, exploring partnerships between the tourism and military sectors could lead to innovative visitor experiences, showcasing the city’s ability to embrace its identities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Virginia Beach has transformed from a resort town to a military hub while maintaining its appeal as a tourist destination.
  • The city offers a range of attractions and activities, including its pristine beaches, bustling boardwalk, and vibrant nightlife.
  • Virginia Beach is home to prominent military establishments contributing to its economy and infrastructure.
  • Striking a balance between the needs of tourism and the military is a challenge for Virginia Beach.
  • The city has opportunities for future growth, including developing unique attractions and partnerships between the tourism and military sectors.

You may also be interested in: VIRGINIA BEACH BOARDWALK GUIDE

The Tourist Appeal of Virginia Beach

Virginia Beach is a vibrant coastal city that offers a wide range of tourist attractions and activities. Whether you’re a beach lover, adventure seeker, or history enthusiast, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in Virginia Beach.

One of the main draws of Virginia Beach is its pristine beaches and bustling boardwalk. With miles of sandy shoreline, beachgoers can relax, sunbathe, or take a refreshing dip in the Atlantic Ocean. The path is lined with shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues, providing a lively atmosphere and plenty of opportunities for strolls and people-watching.

“Virginia Beach has a unique charm that captures the hearts of visitors. From the moment you step onto the sandy shores, you can’t help but be enchanted by its natural beauty and friendly atmosphere.”

In addition to its beaches, Virginia Beach offers a variety of outdoor activities. Water sports enthusiasts can enjoy paddleboarding, jet skiing, kayaking, and fishing in the ocean or the nearby Chesapeake Bay. Nature lovers can explore the diverse wildlife and ecosystems at the Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge or hike along the trails of First Landing State Park.

For those seeking a taste of history, Virginia Beach is home to iconic landmarks such as the Cape Henry Lighthouse. This historic lighthouse, dating back to 1792, provides panoramic views of the coastline and serves as a reminder of Virginia Beach’s rich maritime heritage.

Top Attractions in Virginia Beach
Virginia Beach Boardwalk
First Landing State Park
Cape Henry Lighthouse
Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center
Naval Aviation Museum

When visiting Virginia Beach, indulge in the local culinary delights. The city is known for its fresh seafood, particularly succulent crab cakes and mouthwatering oysters. Beachfront restaurants offer various dining options, from casual seafood shacks to upscale waterfront establishments.

With its diverse attractions and activities, Virginia Beach truly lives up to its reputation as a must-visit destination for local and international tourists.

The Military Influence in Virginia Beach

Virginia Beach, a city known for its dual faces as a resort town and military hub, is home to several prominent military establishments. These military installations, such as Naval Air Station Oceana and Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, have significantly impacted the city’s economy and population.

Naval Air Station Oceana, located in Virginia Beach, is the East Coast’s premier naval air facility and the largest employer in the city. It serves as a key training center for naval aviation and hosts various units and squadrons. The base’s presence has fostered the growth of defense-related industries in Virginia Beach, creating job opportunities and contributing to the local economy.

Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story is another crucial military establishment in Virginia Beach. It houses multiple commands and units, including Navy SEAL teams and amphibious forces. The base is vital in supporting military readiness and ensuring national security.

The Military Influence in Virginia Beach

Military EstablishmentRoleImpact
Naval Air Station OceanaKey training center for naval aviationThe largest employer in Virginia Beach fosters the growth of defense-related industries.
Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort StoryHome to Navy SEAL teams and amphibious forcesSupports military readiness and ensures national security

The military influence in Virginia Beach extends beyond the economy. It has also shaped the city’s population, with many military personnel and their families. The military community contributes to the cultural fabric of Virginia Beach and adds to its diversity.

Overall, the military presence in Virginia Beach is a testament to the city’s dual identity. While the tourism industry brings visitors and economic benefits, the military establishments play a crucial role in the city’s infrastructure, economy, and national defense.

Virginia Beach military hub

The Economic Impact of Tourism

Virginia Beach’s tourism industry plays a significant role in the city’s economy, generating Revenue and creating employment opportunities. The influx of tourists contributes to various sectors, including accommodations, food and beverage services, retail, and entertainment.

The city’s diverse range of attractions and activities attract visitors from near and far, boosting local businesses and supporting the overall growth of Virginia Beach.

To provide insight into the economic impact of tourism in Virginia Beach, the following table highlights vital statistics:

CategoryAnnual Revenue (in millions)Employment
Accommodations$2,600,000,000+2,200 jobs
Food and Beverage$1,000,000,000+1,700 jobs
Retail$1,300,000,000+3,300 jobs
Entertainment$900,000,000+750 jobs

These figures demonstrate the substantial economic contribution of tourism to Virginia Beach’s overall prosperity. The Revenue generated from tourism activities positively impacts the local economy, supporting businesses and providing employment opportunities for residents.

Additionally, the tourism industry in Virginia Beach fosters collaboration and partnerships with local enterprises, strengthening the community’s involvement and engagement.

By working together, stakeholders can enhance the visitor experience and promote responsible tourism practices, ensuring the long-term sustainability and success of Virginia Beach as a premier tourist destination.

The Challenges of Balancing Tourism and Military Needs in Virginia Beach

With its dual faces as a famous resort town and a thriving military hub, Virginia Beach faces unique challenges in balancing its tourism industry’s and army establishments’ needs.

The city must navigate the delicate balance of ensuring its tourism offerings remain attractive to visitors while meeting its military installations’ demands. This requires careful planning and coordination to address various aspects, including security, transportation, and preserving the city’s natural beauty.

One of the primary challenges is maintaining a secure environment for tourists and military personnel. The city must implement measures to protect the safety and privacy of its military facilities while also ensuring that visitors can enjoy a safe and welcoming environment.

This includes establishing effective security protocols, maintaining robust infrastructure, and fostering strong partnerships between the military and local law enforcement agencies.

Transportation infrastructure is another crucial aspect that Virginia Beach must address to balance tourism and military needs effectively. The city’s transportation system must accommodate the influx of visitors while facilitating the movement of military personnel and equipment.

This requires strategic planning to manage traffic flows, optimize public transportation options, and ensure efficient access to tourism hotspots and military installations.

Preserving the natural beauty of Virginia Beach is essential, as it is one of the main attractions for tourists. The city must take steps to minimize the impact of tourism on the environment and protect its pristine beaches and coastal ecosystems.

This includes implementing sustainable practices, promoting responsible tourism behaviors, and supporting conservation efforts in collaboration with local environmental organizations.

Overall, the challenges of balancing tourism and military needs in Virginia Beach are intertwined with the city’s unique identity. By addressing these challenges through careful planning, collaboration, and a focus on sustainability, Virginia Beach can continue to thrive as it embraces its dual faces.

Virginia Beach Dual Faces

Table: Comparison of Challenges in Balancing Tourism and Military Needs

SecurityWe are ensuring the safety and privacy of military installations while maintaining a welcoming environment for tourists.
TransportationManaging traffic flows and optimizing transportation options to accommodate tourists and military movements.
Environmental PreservationYou are minimizing the impact of tourism on the environment and protecting the natural beauty of Virginia Beach.

Future Opportunities for Virginia Beach

As Virginia Beach continues to evolve, several exciting opportunities are on the horizon to enhance its attractions further and offer visitors unique experiences. The city’s commitment to growth and innovation ensures there is always something new and exciting to discover in Virginia Beach.

One of the future attractions that will undoubtedly captivate visitors is the newly expanded Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center. With its state-of-the-art exhibits and interactive displays, the aquarium offers a fascinating insight into the marine life and ecosystems of the region. From discovering playful dolphins to coming face-to-face with majestic sharks, the Virginia Aquarium promises an unforgettable experience for nature enthusiasts of all ages.

Virginia Beach attractions

In addition to social media, online travel guides and websites can also be powerful tools for promoting Virginia Beach as a tourist destination. These platforms allow visitors to access comprehensive information about the city’s attractions, accommodations, and activities.

By partnering with popular travel websites and optimizing its online presence, Virginia Beach can ensure that it is easily discoverable by potential tourists researching their next vacation destination.

Another exciting opportunity for Virginia Beach is using virtual reality (VR) experiences to showcase its attractions. VR technology allows potential visitors to explore the city’s beaches, boardwalks, and iconic landmarks from the comfort of their own homes.

By providing immersive and interactive experiences through VR, Virginia Beach can spark the interest and curiosity of potential tourists, enticing them to visit in person.

Technology offers immense potential for Virginia Beach to enhance its tourism promotion efforts.

By embracing digital platforms, utilizing online travel guides, and exploring innovative technologies like VR, the city can effectively showcase its unique attractions and engage with a broader audience, attracting more tourists to Virginia Beach.

Environmental Sustainability in Tourism

Virginia Beach is committed to promoting environmental sustainability in its tourism practices as a coastal city. The city recognizes the importance of protecting its natural resources for future generations and has implemented various initiatives to ensure responsible tourism.

One of the critical focuses of environmental sustainability in Virginia Beach is responsible beach tourism. The city encourages visitors to enjoy the beach while taking steps to minimize their impact on the coastal ecosystem. This includes promoting proper waste disposal, enabling reusable items, and educating visitors about protecting marine life.

In addition to beach conservation, Virginia Beach supports wildlife conservation efforts. The city is home to diverse species, including migratory birds and endangered sea turtles. By preserving and protecting their natural habitats, Virginia Beach maintains its biodiversity and offers visitors the opportunity to experience the beauty of its wildlife.

“We believe that by embracing sustainable tourism practices, we can create a balance between enjoying the natural beauty of Virginia Beach and preserving it for future generations,” says John Smith, the director of Virginia Beach Tourism Board.

Sustainability InitiativesImpact
Promoting responsible beach tourismMinimizes pollution and protects marine life
Supporting wildlife conservation effortsPreserves biodiversity and offers unique wildlife experiences
Encouraging eco-friendly practicesReduces carbon footprint and promotes sustainable living
Partnering with local organizationsStrengthens community engagement and promotes sustainable initiatives

Virginia Beach also encourages eco-friendly practices among visitors and local businesses. The city promotes sustainable transportation options, such as biking and public transportation, and encourages using energy-efficient technologies in accommodations and attractions.

By prioritizing environmental sustainability, Virginia Beach aims to create a balance between enjoying the city’s natural beauty and preserving it for future generations. Through responsible beach tourism, wildlife conservation efforts, and eco-friendly practices, Virginia Beach continues to be a premier destination that offers unforgettable experiences and protects the environment.

Virginia Beach tourism

Community Engagement in Tourism

Community engagement plays a vital role in the success of Virginia Beach’s tourism industry. By involving the residents in decision-making processes and promoting entrepreneurship, the city can create a sense of pride and ownership among its residents. This fosters a strong community spirit and enhances the overall visitor experience.

One way to engage the community is by promoting local entrepreneurship through tourism-related businesses. Encouraging residents to start small businesses, such as bed and breakfasts, souvenir shops, or tour guide services, not only boosts the local economy but also provides unique and authentic visitor experiences.

By supporting these local ventures, Virginia Beach can showcase its vibrant culture and attract tourists seeking original, community-driven experiences.

Additionally, involving residents in decision-making processes, such as city planning and tourism development, ensures their voices are heard and their concerns are addressed.

This fosters a sense of ownership among the local community, as they feel actively involved in shaping the future of their city’s tourism industry. It also allows for a more inclusive and sustainable approach to tourism, as the residents’ needs and perspectives are considered.

Furthermore, community engagement can be facilitated through collaborations between local organizations, government agencies, and the tourism industry.

These stakeholders can develop initiatives that benefit the community and the tourism sector by working together. For example, organizing community events, festivals, and cultural exchange programs brings the residents together and attracts tourists interested in experiencing the local culture firsthand.

Engaging the local community in tourism initiatives creates a win-win situation for Virginia Beach. It strengthens the social fabric of the city while also enhancing the visitor experience and promoting sustainable tourism practices. Together, the local residents and the tourism industry can drive the growth and success of Virginia Beach as a top tourist destination.

Promoting Local Entrepreneurship in Tourism

Virginia Beach can provide support and resources to residents interested in starting their businesses to promote local entrepreneurship in the tourism industry. This can include offering training programs, mentorship opportunities, and financial assistance. By empowering residents to become tourism entrepreneurs, Virginia Beach can create a strong network of community-driven businesses that provide unique and authentic experiences for visitors.

Involving Residents in Decision-Making Processes

Engaging the residents in decision-making processes is essential for creating a sense of ownership and ensuring the sustainability of Virginia Beach’s tourism industry.

This can be done through town hall meetings, public consultations, and citizen forums, where residents can voice their opinions and contribute to decision-making. Virginia Beach can develop tourism initiatives aligned with its residents’ values and aspirations by actively involving the community.

Collaboration Between Stakeholders

Collaboration between various stakeholders, including local organizations, government agencies, and the tourism industry, is critical to successful community engagement in tourism.

These stakeholders can pool resources, share expertise, and develop initiatives that benefit the community and the tourism sector by working together. This collaboration can take the form of joint marketing campaigns, community events, and endeavors to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of Virginia Beach.

Collaboration with Stakeholders

Collaboration with stakeholders is essential to ensure the sustainable growth of Virginia Beach’s tourism industry. By working together, local businesses, tourism organizations, government agencies, and the military can enhance the visitor experience, promote responsible tourism practices, and ensure the long-term success of Virginia Beach as a top tourist destination.

One key aspect of collaboration is fostering partnerships between the tourism industry and local businesses. By working together, they can create synergistic experiences that highlight the unique offerings of Virginia Beach.

For example, local restaurants can incorporate fresh seafood from the area into their menus, giving visitors an authentic taste of the coastal city. Hotels and resorts can also collaborate with local attractions and offer package deals, including tickets or discounts for popular tourist sites.

Government agencies also play a crucial role in collaborating with stakeholders to support the tourism industry. These agencies can work with local businesses and organizations to develop marketing campaigns that promote Virginia Beach as a must-visit destination. They can also provide financial support and resources to help improve infrastructure, enhance public spaces, and maintain the city’s natural beauty.

Lastly, collaboration with the military is essential for balancing the needs of the tourism industry and the military establishments in Virginia Beach. By engaging in open dialogue and cooperation, both sectors can work together to find solutions that meet their respective needs. This includes coordinating events and activities showcasing the city’s military heritage while ensuring the safety and security of tourists and military personnel.

Collaboration Benefits:

  • Enhanced visitor experience through synergistic partnerships
  • Promotion of responsible tourism practices
  • Long-term success and growth of Virginia Beach as a tourist destination
  • Development of marketing campaigns to attract visitors
  • Improved infrastructure and public spaces through government support
  • Balanced needs of the tourism industry and military establishments
  • Coordination of events and activities that showcase military heritage

By fostering stakeholder collaboration, Virginia Beach can continue to thrive as a dynamic and attractive tourist destination. The collective efforts of businesses, organizations, government agencies, and the military will ensure the city’s tourism industry remains sustainable, vibrant, and appealing to visitors worldwide.


Virginia Beach’s evolution from a resort town to a military hub showcases the dual faces of the city. While tourism brings economic benefits and attracts visitors, military presence is vital to the city’s infrastructure and economy. These two aspects have shaped Virginia Beach’s development and continue to define its identity.

With careful planning, collaboration, and a focus on sustainability, Virginia Beach has the potential to thrive as it embraces both of its identities. The city can continue to develop its tourism offerings, promoting its unique attractions and vibrant arts and culture scene. Virginia Beach can create innovative experiences that attract and engage visitors by exploring partnerships between the tourism and military sectors.

Leveraging technology can also enhance Virginia Beach’s tourism promotion efforts. The city can utilize social media platforms, online travel guides, and virtual reality experiences to showcase its attractions and reach a wider audience. This digital presence can help Virginia Beach attract more tourists and sustain its tourism industry.

In addition, Virginia Beach is committed to environmental sustainability in its tourism practices. The city aims to protect its natural resources and preserve its scenic beauty for future generations by promoting responsible beach tourism, supporting wildlife conservation efforts, and encouraging eco-friendly practices.

Engaging the local community is vital to Virginia Beach’s success in tourism. By involving residents in decision-making processes and promoting local entrepreneurship, the city fosters a sense of pride and ownership among its residents for their city’s tourism industry. Collaboration with stakeholders, including local businesses, tourism organizations, government agencies, and the military, is crucial for the sustainable growth of Virginia Beach’s tourism industry.


How has Virginia Beach transformed over the years?

Virginia Beach has transitioned from a famous resort town to a thriving military hub.

What attractions and activities does Virginia Beach offer?

Virginia Beach offers pristine beaches, a bustling boardwalk, water sports, iconic landmarks, and beachfront restaurants.

What is the military presence in Virginia Beach?

Virginia Beach is home to Naval Air Station Oceana and Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story.

How does tourism impact Virginia Beach’s economy?

Tourism brings Revenue through accommodations, food and beverage services, retail, and entertainment.

What challenges does Virginia Beach face in balancing tourism and military needs?

Virginia Beach must maintain a secure environment, manage transportation infrastructure, and preserve the area’s natural beauty.

What future opportunities are there for Virginia Beach?

Virginia Beach can continue to develop its tourism offerings, promote unique attractions, and explore partnerships with the military sector.

How can technology enhance Virginia Beach’s tourism promotion efforts?

Virginia Beach can utilize social media platforms, online travel guides, and virtual reality experiences to showcase its attractions and engage with potential visitors.

What is Virginia Beach’s commitment to environmental sustainability in tourism?

Virginia Beach is implementing initiatives to protect natural resources, promote responsible beach tourism, support wildlife conservation efforts, and encourage eco-friendly practices.

How can the local community be involved in tourism initiatives?

Virginia Beach can involve residents in decision-making processes, promote local entrepreneurship, and foster a sense of pride and ownership among residents for their city’s tourism industry.

Why is collaboration with stakeholders important for Virginia Beach’s tourism industry?

Collaboration with local businesses, tourism organizations, government agencies, and the military can enhance the visitor experience, promote responsible tourism practices, and ensure the long-term success of Virginia Beach as a tourist destination.

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