The World's Riskiest Destinations: Top 12 Dangerous Countries Uncovered

The world has diverse destinations, but some countries stand out for their high crime rates and safety concerns. According to the Institute for Economics and Peace’s Global Peace Index, Afghanistan remains the most dangerous country in the world, followed by Yemen and Syria. 

Other countries on the list include Russia, South Sudan, DR Congo, Iraq, Somalia, Central African Republic, Sudan, Ukraine, and North Korea. The report also highlights the worsening global peace situation, with declines in peace and safety happening faster and further than improvements. 

Additionally, another source mentions El Salvador as the least safe country, and Latin American countries like Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela rank high in terms of danger. 

Finally, there are mentions of safety concerns for solo travelers in countries like South Africa, Egypt, Mexico, Brazil, India, Turkey, Morocco, Thailand, Russia, Colombia, the Philippines, and the Dominican Republic.

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  • According to the Global Peace Index, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Syria are the top three most dangerous countries in the world,
  • Russia, South Sudan, DR Congo, Iraq, Somalia, the Central African Republic, Sudan, Ukraine, and North Korea are high-risk destinations.
  • Latin American countries such as El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela pose safety concerns for travelers.
  • Solo travelers should know safety precautions in South Africa, Egypt, Mexico, Brazil, India, Turkey, Morocco, Thailand, Russia, Colombia, the Philippines, and the Dominican Republic.
  • Global peace and safety improvements are happening slower and less frequently than declines.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Global Peace Index

The Global Peace Index provides valuable insights into the safety levels of countries worldwide. According to the Institute for Economics and Peace’s latest report, Afghanistan continues to top the list as the most dangerous country in the world. 

It is followed closely by Yemen and Syria, highlighting the ongoing conflicts and security challenges these nations face. The Global Peace Index also reveals concerning trends, with declines in peace and safety occurring faster than improvements.

In addition to the countries above, the report identifies several other regions with high-risk levels. Russia, South Sudan, DR Congo, Iraq, Somalia, the Central African Republic, Sudan, Ukraine, and North Korea are prominently on the list. 

These regions face various security threats, including political instability, terrorism, and social unrest.

Global Peace Index

Latin American countries such as El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela are also mentioned as having significant safety concerns. 

These countries grapple with high crime rates and face challenges related to drug trafficking and gang violence.

Solo travelers should exercise caution when visiting countries like South Africa, Egypt, Mexico, Brazil, India, Turkey, Morocco, Thailand, Russia, Colombia, the Philippines, and the Dominican Republic. 

While traveling alone can be an enriching experience, taking safety precautions and being aware of potential risks is essential. Staying informed about travel advisories and avoiding crime hotspots can help mitigate safety concerns.

Table: Global Peace Index - Top 5 Most Dangerous Countries

RankCountrySafety Level
1AfghanistanHigh Risk
2YemenHigh Risk
3SyriaHigh Risk
4RussiaHigh Risk
5South SudanHigh Risk

Afghanistan: The Most Dangerous Country

Afghanistan tops the list as the most dangerous country, with numerous travel advisories cautioning against visits to this war-torn nation. 

According to the Institute for Economics and Peace’s Global Peace Index, Afghanistan is ranked as the least peaceful country in the world. The ongoing conflict, terrorist activities, and political instability contribute to the high-risk nature of this destination.

Travelers are strongly advised to avoid all non-essential travel to Afghanistan due to the significant threat of violence and kidnapping. 

The country faces security challenges from militant groups, such as the Taliban and ISIS, which target locals and foreign visitors. Large-scale bombings, armed attacks, and kidnappings are frequent occurrences, making it an extremely hazardous destination


The U.S. Department of State has issued a Level 4 “Do Not Travel” advisory for Afghanistan due to the high risk of terrorism, kidnapping, and armed conflict. 

In addition, other countries and international organizations have issued travel warnings and advisories advising against travel to Afghanistan. 

It is essential for travelers to stay updated on the situation through reliable sources and heed the advice and travel alerts provided by their respective governments.

Afghanistan's Security SituationTravel Advisory Level
High risk of terrorism and armed conflictLevel 4: Do Not Travel
Frequent bombings, armed attacks, and kidnappingsTravel warnings issued by multiple countries

Yemen and Syria: Areas of Extreme Risk

Due to ongoing conflicts and security threats, Yemen and Syria pose significant risks to travelers. According to the Institute for Economics and Peace’s Global Peace Index, these two countries rank among the most dangerous places to visit.

The report highlights the deteriorating global peace situation, with safety declines occurring faster than improvements.

A long-running civil war in Yemen has resulted in widespread violence and instability. The conflict has led to a humanitarian crisis, exacerbating the security threats both locals and tourists face.

It is essential for travelers to be aware of the risks associated with visiting Yemen and to follow travel advisories strictly.

Syria, another country facing severe security challenges, has been devastated by a prolonged civil war. The conflict has led to millions of people’s displacement and various armed groups’ emergence. The volatile situation in Syria makes it a problematic destination for travelers.

CountrySecurity Threats
YemenHigh risk due to ongoing conflicts and violence
SyriaProlonged civil war and the presence of armed groups

Travelers considering a trip to Yemen or Syria should exercise extreme caution and be prepared for potential risks.

It is crucial to stay updated on the latest security warnings and travel advisories issued by relevant authorities. Planning and undertaking thorough research are vital to ensuring the safety and well-being of travelers in these high-risk areas.

Unstable Regions: Russia and Ukraine

Russia and Ukraine, known for their geopolitical tensions, present safety concerns for travelers due to unstable conditions. These countries’ ongoing conflicts and political unrest have made them unsafe travel destinations.

According to the Institute for Economics and Peace’s Global Peace Index, Russia ranks low regarding peace and safety, with rising crime rates and security threats.

In Ukraine, the situation is equally precarious. The country has recently experienced significant unrest and violence, particularly in the eastern regions. 

The conflict between Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists has resulted in a volatile security environment, with the risk of armed confrontations and unrest.

Travelers considering visiting Russia or Ukraine should exercise caution and stay informed about the current political and security situation. 

It is advisable to check travel advisories from reputable sources and monitor the local news for updates or developments. Taking appropriate safety measures and avoiding areas of political tension is crucial to ensure a secure travel experience.

Given the unpredictable nature of the conflicts, it is recommended to consult with travel agencies or professionals who specialize in these regions.

They can provide valuable insights and assistance in planning a safe trip. Prioritizing personal safety and adhering to travel warnings or restrictions can help mitigate the risks of visiting unstable regions like Russia and Ukraine.

Unstable Regions: Russia and UkraineSafety Concerns
RussiaLow peace and safety ranking
UkraineUnrest and violence, risks of armed confrontations

Africa's Troubled Nations: South Sudan, DR Congo, Somalia, and Central African Republic

South Sudan, DR Congo, Somalia, and the Central African Republic experience high crime rates and are subject to security advisories due to ongoing conflicts and political instability.

According to the Institute for Economics and Peace’s Global Peace Index, these countries rank among the most dangerous places in the world.

In South Sudan, the world’s newest country, internal strife and armed conflicts have resulted in high levels of violence and crime. 

Travelers should exercise extreme caution and avoid non-essential travel to this region. Similarly, the Democratic Republic of Congo faces significant security challenges, with armed groups and political instability contributing to a volatile environment.

Somalia, plagued by decades of civil war and terrorism, is known for its high crime rate and piracy activities in the coastal areas. 

The ongoing conflict between the Somali government and extremist groups has created an unpredictable and unsafe environment for travelers.

The Central African Republic is another troubled nation facing complex security issues. Armed conflicts, ethnic tensions, and political instability have led to widespread violence and criminal activities. 

Travel advisories caution against visiting this country due to the high risk of armed attacks and the potential for humanitarian crises.

Table 1 below provides a comparative overview of the crime rates and security advisories for South Sudan, DR Congo, Somalia, and the Central African Republic.

CountryCrime RateSecurity Advisory
South SudanHighLevel 4 - Do not travel
DR CongoHighLevel 4 - Do not travel
SomaliaHighLevel 4 - Do not travel
Central African RepublicHighLevel 4 - Do not travel

It is crucial for travelers to be aware of the risks associated with visiting these countries and to stay informed by regularly checking travel advisories issued by their respective governments.

Taking necessary precautions, such as avoiding high-risk areas, traveling in groups, and having reliable local contacts, can contribute to a safer travel experience in these troubled nations. 

However, it is advisable to consult with experienced travel agents or seek professional advice before planning a trip to these regions.

Middle East Destinations: Iraq and Sudan

Iraq and Sudan are considered dangerous places to visit, with travel warnings issued by various countries. 

According to the Institute for Economics and Peace’s Global Peace Index, Iraq ranks among the countries with extreme risk levels, highlighting the safety concerns associated with traveling to this region. Sudan also poses significant security threats; caution is advised for those considering a visit.

The Global Peace Index reveals that Iraq and Sudan face significant challenges in terms of peace and safety. These countries experience ongoing conflicts, political instability, and high crime rates, contributing to their classification as dangerous destinations. 

Travelers must heed the travel warnings issued by their respective governments and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety.

While Iraq and Sudan may have historical and cultural attractions, it is essential to prioritize personal safety and exercise caution when visiting these areas.

Staying informed about the current situation, monitoring travel advisories, and seeking guidance from local authorities can help travelers make informed decisions and mitigate risks.

CountryTravel Warning Level
IraqLevel 4: Do Not Travel
SudanLevel 3: Reconsider Travel

Additional Safety Precautions for the Most Dangerous Countries In the World:

  • Avoid traveling alone and consider joining guided tours or groups for added security.
  • Inform family and friends about your travel plans, including your itinerary and contact details.
  • Stay updated on local news and developments to be aware of potential risks.
  • Follow the advice and guidelines provided by your embassy or consulate.
  • Keep copies of essential documents, such as your passport and visa, securely.

While the decision to travel to Iraq and Sudan ultimately rests with the individual, it is crucial to be aware of the potential dangers and exercise caution. By staying informed and taking necessary precautions, travelers can reduce the risks of visiting these dangerous destinations.

Hidden Risks: North Korea

North Korea presents hidden risks for travelers due to its strict regime and limited access to information. 

The country’s security ranking is among the highest in the world, making it one of the riskiest destinations to visit. Travelers must understand the unique challenges and safety concerns of traveling to North Korea.

North Korea’s isolationist policies and restricted access to information can make it difficult for travelers to gather accurate and up-to-date information about the country. 

This lack of data makes it challenging to assess potential risks and plan accordingly. Additionally, the country’s strict laws and regulations and limited freedom of speech and movement can put travelers at risk if they inadvertently violate any rules.

It is crucial for travelers considering a trip to North Korea to research and understand the current political and social landscape thoroughly. 

Consulting with travel advisories and government websites can provide valuable insights into the safety situation in the country. Additionally, joining guided tours and following the instructions of local guides can help mitigate potential risks and ensure a safer travel experience.

Security Concerns in North KoreaPrecautionary Measures
Strict laws and regulationsFollow all local rules and regulations
Restricted access to informationObtain reliable information from trusted sources
Lack of freedom of speech and movementBe mindful of your words and actions

Traveling to North Korea requires careful consideration and planning. It is essential to be aware of the risks involved and take necessary precautions to ensure a safe journey. 

Understanding the country’s security ranking and following travel advisories can help travelers make informed decisions and minimize potential risks.


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Latin American Danger Zones: El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela

Latin American countries like El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela rank high in danger, with safety concerns impacting travelers. 

According to the Institute for Economics and Peace’s Global Peace Index, these countries face significant challenges in maintaining peace and security. The report highlights the increasing crime rates and instability in these regions, making them areas of concern for travelers.

The Safety Concerns

Travelers should be aware of the safety concerns when visiting Latin American countries. These nations are known for high crime rates, including robberies, assaults, and drug-related violence.

 Tourist hotspots and densely populated areas can be particularly vulnerable to criminal activities. It is advisable to exercise caution and be vigilant at all times.

Furthermore, some Latin American countries, such as El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, struggle with gang-related violence, which can pose significant threats to locals and tourists. 

It is crucial to stay informed about the current situations in these areas and adhere to any travel advisories or warnings issued by your government.

Staying Safe While Traveling

Despite the safety concerns, having a safe and enjoyable experience while traveling in Latin America is possible. Taking certain precautions can significantly reduce the risks. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Avoid displaying valuable items or wearing flashy jewelry that may attract unwanted attention.
  • Use reputable transportation options and avoid traveling alone at night, especially in areas with higher crime rates.
  • Research the safety levels of specific neighborhoods or regions before visiting and plan your itinerary accordingly.
  • Stay updated on local news and be aware of any protests, demonstrations, or political unrest that could impact your safety.

By being well-prepared and cautious, travelers can minimize the potential risks and enjoy their time exploring Latin America’s rich culture and natural beauty.

CountryCrime RateSafety Level
El SalvadorHighLow
MexicoModerate to HighModerate

Safety Concerns for Solo Travelers

Solo travelers face unique safety concerns, but proper safety precautions and crime prevention measures can make their journeys more secure. 

It is essential to be aware of potential risks and take proactive steps to ensure personal safety throughout the trip.

When traveling alone, it is advisable to research the destination thoroughly beforehand. Understanding the local customs, culture, and potential safety risks can help solo travelers navigate unfamiliar environments more confidently. 

Additionally, staying informed about the current security situation and any travel advisories or warnings issued for the destination is crucial.

One of the most effective safety precautions for solo travelers is to blend in with the local crowd as much as possible. Dressing modestly and avoiding flashy jewelry can help reduce the likelihood of becoming a target for theft or harassment. 

It is also essential to remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded tourist areas or unfamiliar neighborhoods.

Furthermore, solo travelers should consider staying in well-rated accommodations, prioritizing safety and security. 

Choosing hotels or guesthouses with good reviews and a reputation for implementing safety measures can provide an added layer of protection. 

Additionally, it is advisable to inform someone you trust about your travel plans, including details such as your itinerary, accommodation, and contact information.

Essential Tips for Solo Travelers

  • Research your destination thoroughly, including safety risks and travel advisories.
  • Blend in with the local crowd by dressing modestly and avoiding flashy jewelry.
  • Remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings at all times.
  • Choose well-rated accommodations that prioritize safety and security.
  • Inform someone you trust about your travel plans and contact information.

In conclusion, solo travelers can enjoy their adventures with extra preventive measures in place. 

By conducting thorough research, blending in with the local culture, staying vigilant, choosing safe accommodations, and informing someone about their plans, solo travelers can minimize the safety concerns they may encounter during their journeys.

Safety Concerns for Solo Travelers

Apart from the previously mentioned countries, travelers should also exercise caution when visiting South Africa, Egypt, Brazil, India, Turkey, Morocco, Thailand, Russia, the Philippines, and the Dominican Republic due to various safety concerns.

These destinations have been flagged as potential risks for travelers, and it is essential to be aware of the potential dangers before planning your trip.

Unfortunately, South Africa, known for its stunning landscapes and vibrant cities, has a high crime rate. Travelers should be cautious, especially in urban areas, and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety.

EgyptPolitical instability and terror-related incidents
BrazilHigh crime rates, especially in major cities
IndiaScams, pickpocketing, and safety issues for women
TurkeyPolitical unrest and terrorism
MoroccoPotential for petty crime and occasional acts of terrorism
ThailandTourist scams, petty theft, and occasional unrest
RussiaPickpocketing, scams, and safety concerns in certain regions
PhilippinesPolitical unrest, terrorism, and high crime rates
Dominican RepublicPetty theft, scams, and safety concerns in tourist areas

When traveling to any of these countries, it is advisable to stay informed about the local situation, follow travel advisories, and take necessary precautions.

Research the specific risks associated with your destination and adhere to safety guidelines provided by authorities and local experts.

Remember, while these countries may pose specific safety concerns, you can still have a memorable and enjoyable trip with proper planning and awareness. Stay vigilant, be cautious, and prioritize your safety above all else.


Traveling to dangerous countries with high crime rates requires careful consideration and adherence to travel alerts to ensure a safe journey.

According to the Institute for Economics and Peace’s Global Peace Index, Afghanistan remains the most dangerous country in the world, followed by Yemen and Syria. These countries present significant security risks and should be approached with caution.

It is important to note that the global peace situation is worsening, with declines in peace and safety occurring faster and further than improvements. This highlights the need for travelers to stay informed and take appropriate precautions when visiting risky destinations.

Latin American countries such as El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela also rank high in danger. Solo travelers should be especially cautious when visiting these regions, as safety concerns are prevalent.

Furthermore, countries like South Africa, Egypt, Mexico, Brazil, India, Turkey, Morocco, Thailand, Russia, Colombia, the Philippines, and the Dominican Republic also have safety concerns.

 Researching and understanding the specific risks associated with each destination is crucial, and taking the necessary steps to protect oneself is essential.

In conclusion, while many beautiful and culturally rich destinations exist worldwide, it is essential to prioritize personal safety. 

Travelers can make informed decisions and enjoy a secure and memorable journey by staying up-to-date with travel alerts, being aware of high crime rates, and taking necessary precautions.


Q: Which country is considered the most dangerous in the world?

A: According to the Global Peace Index, Afghanistan is currently considered the most dangerous country in the world.

Q: What are some other hazardous countries?

A: Yemen, Syria, Russia, South Sudan, DR Congo, Iraq, Somalia, Central African Republic, Sudan, Ukraine, and North Korea are also considered hazardous countries.

Q: Are there any Latin American countries on the list?

A: Yes, Latin American countries such as El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela rank high in terms of danger.

Q: Are there any safety concerns for solo travelers?

A: Solo travelers should exercise caution when visiting countries like South Africa, Egypt, Mexico, Brazil, India, Turkey, Morocco, Thailand, Russia, Colombia, the Philippines, and the Dominican Republic.

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